The Law Office provides services for Polish and foreign entrepreneurs. Comprehensive legal support for Italian and French Clients is provided by Advocate Malgorzata Maslowska. The Law Office provides services concerning legal advising, representing Clients before courts and public offices and institutions, assessing documents, drafting contracts, resolutions and other legal acts, assisting in negotiations, pre-judicial and judicial dunning procedures in the following areas:
1. civil law
- drafting professional and consumer civil law contracts;
- participating in the process of negotiating the content of a contract and supervising its successful performance;
- counselling on the forms of agreement/contract performance warranty and exercising the rights arising from the obtained warranty;
- analysing contracts proposed by Clients’ commercial partners with focus on potential risks involved;
- debt recovery including out-of-court settlement efforts, legal proceedings and enforcement proceedings;
- legal representation in litigious and non-litigious proceedings before common courts as well as arbitration and enforcement bodies;
- drafting and assessing partnership agreements;
- registering partners of private partnerships and commercial companies;
- registering changes in partnerships/companies (concerning governing bodies, partners, statutes and agreements);
- drafting internal acts of partnerships/companies;
- legal and formal assistance in organising General Meetings as well as Meetings of Shareholders and Meetings of Supervisory Boards;
- preparing documents in connection with annulment of partnerships/companies;
- providing legal support in partnerships/companies transformations or mergers;
- counselling on intellectual property law, bill of exchange law, property development law;
- preparing comprehensive legal analyses of legal entities in order to identify legal risks involved in particular transactions;
- legal advising concerning purchasing, selling and leasing of real estates, including an analysis of the legal status of a particular real estate and complete preparation of a transaction;
- current legal support concerning public procurements, preparation of bids and means of appeal;
- counselling on the EU funds acquisition;
- comprehensive legal assistance in large construction projects litigation proceedings;
- training the executive and other staff in the field of commercial law;
- representing a debtor in declaration of bankruptcy proceedings;
- representing a bankrupt in bankruptcy proceedings;
- representing a creditor in bankruptcy proceedings;
- representing Clients before labour courts;
- drafting and assessing contracts of employment, contracts of mandate and contracts of management;
- creating internal regulations in companies, counselling on collective labour agreements, representing employers in disputes with trade unions;
6. performing of due diligence analyses
We offer current legal support which can be remunerated on the basis of a monthly flat fee or, considering the time consumed to execute particular work for a Client, on the basis of a timesheet and hourly rates. At a Client’s request, we might present an initial calculation of the foreseen fee.
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